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About the Club & Team


Our vision is to help Landowners discover more about the historical aspects of where they live, and to help them place their lands into the context of their own historical timeline.

If we can also find things of value that have been lost, then that’s the icing on the cake. You never know what’s underground !

A handful of soil

The ‘Uncover the Past’ Team

Founders:  Steve and Sandra

We’re both passionate about our History and combine this with our love of exploring the amazing and wonderful British countryside. The beauty of being a Metal Detectorist is the feeling of anticipation when you find something that’s been lost. And it’s a plus point if you’re actually adding to the local History records. Part of the enjoyment is preparing initial research about a piece of land and then following up with further investigations to identify any items.

Between us, we have experience in Cartography, Local History, Britsh History and Archaeology, Researching, Planning, Photography, Technical Software, Drone Aerial Photography and Video Production, Website Design and Hosting, Engineering, Graphic Design and Publishing.

Some of our other hobbies include; Table Tennis, Motorbikes, Power Kites, Music Composition, Painting, Board Games.

An old toy car

From small beginnings

Looking back with fondness to our very first finds. An old Ferrari racing car dating back to 1956 Made by The Crescent Toy Company Ltd. Further research discovered that they only made 43 items of this particular model.

And an old hammer head. Wonderful finds that well-and-truly established our love of Antiquity Hunting.

Artefacts & Relics

It’s so nice to be able to unlock our past history and make new discoveries every time we venture out with our detectors and drones. The whole idea of possibly finding Historical Artefacts that were dropped in a field hundreds of years ago is very appealing.

An old key lying on the grass
Metal Detecting in the sunshine


Apparently we’re known affectionately as Swingers (but not the ‘other’ type of swinger) and we’re Detectorists NOT Detectors. Detectors are our pieces of equipment.

We leave only footprints. The holes that we dig with our special spades or trowels are known as Horseshoe Plugs. They are still attached to any grass etc on one side, this allows any vegetation to regrow so as not to leave yellow patches in grassland. When the plug of soil is replaced it becomes almost invisible again.

X marks the spot

Most Metal Detectorists are hobbyists who enjoy being in the great outdoors hoping to make discoveries to add to our Historical knowledge. However, it’s probably in the back of everyone’s mind that the elusive Treasure Hoards are still being unearthed every now and then (££ are normally split 50/50 between Landowner and Finder). When we hear a signal on our headphones and put the spade in the ground, we NEVER know what’s down there . . . waiting to be discovered.

Holding up an old gold coin